Fit To Fly Tests

Fit To Fly PCR Tests

We are now stocking fit to fly PCR and Antigen test kits in our pharmacy. Our PCR test kits are provided by Agilis Health who ensure fast result turn around time as well as a dedicated support telephone number to ensure a smooth process.

The price of our fit to fly PCR tests are £98 per kit, which is an instore purchase.

Fit To Fly Antigen Tests

Our Antigen tests they are supplied in partnership with Treatlocal we have two options. The first option is a test kit which you collect, complete at home, upload the result and a certificate is issued to you after 1-2 hours, this option is £29 per person. The second option is to come into store for a supervised test where we will take the sample, process the test and send you a certificate within 45 minutes, this option is £45 per person.

To book the take home test kits for £29, click here

To book the in-store supervised tests for £45 each, please click here.