Manage My Meds App

Manage My Meds App

We have our own app for your smartphone and other devices to make ordering prescriptions, ‘prescription ready’ notifications, booking GP appointments, booking pharmacy services, communicating with us and so much more easier.
Prescription ordering app in Telford Muxton Pharmacy
You can download this app on either your app store or google play straight to your smartphone or tablet. Then you can search for us at muxton pharmacy, to complete your registration you will need to either contact your GP for your online passcode and linkage key or sign up directly through the NHS sign in option. This information will allow the app to connect with your GP surgery to enable prescription requests, GP appointments and much more to be made through the app, rather than having to telephone either the patient ordering direct (POD) or visiting your surgery directly.
The app also has functionality to set medication reminders so you don’t forget to take any doses your medication, as well as set prescription order reminders so you always order your prescription without running short of medication.